“Chronic pain is like a game of smoke and mirrors. Once you learn how it is created, it loses its power to intimidate you.” -Howard Schubiner

Are you tired of just coping with your pain?

I can help you heal your pain. Healing Within takes a mind/body approach to helping you heal from your physical and emotional pain. Through the use of neuroscience, we can rewire your brain to stop sending out pain signals and get you back to fully engaging in your life.

Most chronic pain occurs in people who have endured chronic stress. The underlying stress or trauma causes your brain to be on a constant state of high alert, which then causes your brain the misperceive safe sensations in your body as dangerous. When your brain perceives danger, it sends out a danger signal such as pain, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue, to prevent you from further damaging your body. The good news is: we can teach your brain to stop doing this and I can show you how.

I’m Nyle Biondi, a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 15 years of experience. As a result of my own journey in healing from chronic pain, I know what’s possible when we truly heal. If you’re tired of simply coping with your physical and emotional pain, I’d love to help you find a new path forward. I want to help you get to a place of joy and ease in your life.